Today, many health plans coverall or a portion of a wig or hair piece, if you are receiving chemotherapy or radiation. Some insurance plans also cover these items for other forms of induced hair loss.
In order to find out if you are covered, you must call the telephone number on the back of your insurance card. You must let the representative know that you will be starting treatment such as chemotherapy or radiation, or that you are experiencing hair loss due to a known or unknown condition, and that you are interested in obtaining a wig or a hair piece. They will refer to this as a “cranial prosthesis”. At this time, they will let you know what your policy states regarding cranial prothesis coverage. It is important to understand that Tiffanys is NOT a provider, we are simply a retail establishment.
What this means is that we do not bill your insurance for the wig or hair piece, you must pay us directly at the time of purchase, and we will provide you with a submittal form, completely filled out for you, to drop in the mail. Once your insurance company receives this form, they will process the claim. Typically, it will take about a month to receive your reimbursement check in the mail, IF YOU ARE COVERED BY INSURANCE.
Please note: “Providers” are places that supply medical goods, such as wheel chairs and prosthetics, and are not wig specialists. However, many of these stores or hospitals do carry a small selection of wigs and will bill your insurance directly for you, so there is no out of pocket expense on your behalf. Ultimately, it is the customers decision on what type of experience they’re looking for when selecting a hair loss solution.